30 Day Yoga Pose Challenge

30 Day Yoga Pose Challenge

30 Episodes

Join Jess in this 30 days of yoga challenge, starting with the basics and moving up to more advanced flows, with certain days dedicated to specific poses to help you get the most out of your practice.

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30 Day Yoga Pose Challenge
  • Day 1: Learning the Basics (Melt Away Stress)

    Episode 1

    Learn the most essential yoga poses for flexibility & stress relief. This is the foundation for any yoga practice and will teach you tricks to calm your mind & body.

  • Day 2: Sun Salutation A for Energy & Flexibility

    Episode 2

    Sun Salutations help to awaken the body & improve flexibility. This video will teach you how to move through this sequence at the difficulty level that's right for you.

  • Day 3: Essential Poses for Glutes, Hips & Legs

    Episode 3

    Chair & Warrior Poses in Sun Salutation B are great for the legs and butt, to build muscle strength & improve flexibility. This is a relaxing class to help you feel calm and peaceful.

  • Day 4: Unlocking Your Flexibility & Confidence

    Episode 4

    If you're feeling sore from Days 1-3, this video will help you relieve that tension as you work on flexibility & mobility. This class will help you work toward the splits and teaches an essential secret for unlocking flexibility & confidence.

  • Day 5: Power Yoga

    Episode 5

    Day 5 jumps right back into the foundational poses with a slightly more advanced flow to help you move up to the next level

  • Day 6: Eagle Pose

    Episode 6

    Day 6 focuses on the eagle pose. The eagle pose is good for opening up the shoulders, working on your balance, strengthening the ankles and improving overall joint health

  • Day 7: Digestion & Detox

    Episode 7

    Digestion can be a tricky issue, in this video Jess has some poses you can do to help reducing bloating, flatulence and get everything working smoothly

  • Day 8: Focus & Balance

    Episode 8

    The last 7 videos mainly focus on the physical body, this video brings it back to the mind, as it is such an integral part of our overall wellness. The poses in this video should help you achieve a calm and peaceful mind

  • Day 9: Triangle Pose

    Episode 9

    Day 9 is all about the triangle pose and this flow has a lot of core strengthening and back strengthening to get the maximum benefit out of this essential posture

  • Day 10: Flow & Integrate

    Episode 10

    Day 10 takes all the postures you have learnt in the previous videos and helps you integrate it into a nice strong flow

  • Day 11: Hips & Center Splits

    Episode 11

    This video is a continuation of day 4 and should help you open up your hips and boost your flexibility

  • Day 12: Backbends

    Episode 12

    Day 12 focuses on backbends, if you struggle with this one go back and see day 4 and day 10 to build up your flexibility more

  • Day 13: Yin Yang

    Episode 13

    The past few videos in this series have been tough ones, day 13 is more of a restorative rest day and focuses on your mind and grounding yourself in the here and now for a more clear head

  • Day 14: Headstands

    Episode 14

    Day 14 moves onto a more advanced move: headstands. Don't panic though, this video moves slow and will guide you through every step

  • Day 15: Balance Challenge

    Episode 15

    Day 15, halfway there, this episode has some postures to help improve your balance and get you feeling more confident with some of the standing poses

  • Day 16: Balancing Poses

    Episode 16

    Previously on day 15 you learnt a lot of balancing techniques, this video incorporates those into an easy flow that leads into a new pose

  • Day 17: Flexibility & Compassion

    Episode 17

    Day 17 winds down a little bit with a more chilled flow focusing on flexibility and stretching

  • Day 18: Splits Flexibility

    Episode 18

    Day 17 was all about flexibility in preparation for the splits. Don't worry if you're not quite there yet, Jess takes it nice and slow and if you need more practice you can always go back to day 17 and stretch it out some more

  • Day 19: Crow Pose

    Episode 19

    Day 19 is all about Crow Pose or Bakasana

  • Day 20: Shoulder Mobility

    Episode 20

    Day 20! You're 2/3 of the way there! In this episode Jess focuses on shoulder mobility and flexibility

  • Day 21: Anxiety Relief

    Episode 21

    The past few days have been pretty intense so this episode tones that down. You can approach this flow as a beginner and have fun with it

  • Day 22: Be Proud

    Episode 22

    Todays theme is noticing your progress. Jess goes back through some foundational poses so you can see how much more comfortable you feel doing them now vs when you started

  • Day 23: Side Crow Pose

    Episode 23

    Day 19 was the Crow Pose, and now day 23 is The Side Crow Pose, but don't worry if you haven't been practicing, Jess breaks this down into an easy step by step flow

  • Day 24: Bird of Paradise

    Episode 24

    We're into the last week of the challenge now and focusing on Bird Of Paradise or Svarga Dvijasana