30 Day Abs Challenge

30 Day Abs Challenge

Join Dani in this 30 day workout challenge for fab abs!
In this series you'll find everything you need to get into shape from intense core exercises to food prep and meal planning.

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30 Day Abs Challenge
  • Fab Abs Intro

    Welcome to the 30 day fab ab challenge! This quick intro details what to expect over the next 30 days and just what makes this program so unique and effective

  • Day 1: The MOST Essential Ab Exercises

    Kick off the program with the best ab exercises for beginners to strengthen the core, burn belly fat & shape the perfect waistline.

  • Day 2 & 23: Dos and Don'ts

    This episode is all about the dos and don'ts of exercise, and that's not just for this challenge these can be applied to any healthy lifestyle

  • Day 3 & 12: Ab Workout 2

    The second ab workout will help you turn those abs into fab abs

  • Day 4 & 11: Stretch

    Today is all about stretching and making sure we stay flexible. Your workouts are going to be so much better if you have flexibility, not only that but stretching help reduce soreness

  • Day 5: Full Body Strength 1

    Day 5 is a full body strengthening workout that is great for beginners

  • Day 6: Active Rest

    Day 6! You made it through week 1, so in this episode Dani talks about the importance of rest and recovery

  • Day 8: Ab Workout 3

    Ab workout 3 builds on the exercises you've already done and will help strengthen those core muscles

  • Day 9: Best & Worst Foods

    In this episode we run through some foods you can eat that will help blast that belly fat

  • Day 10: Full Body Cardio

    This episode is all about the cardio, this quick 20 minute workout will help you blast that fat and see those abs more

  • Day 13: Active Rest

    Today marks the end of your second week, last week there was a video on the importance of active rest, this week it's an active rest challenge

  • Day 15: Ab Workout 4

    Today marks the halfway point in this challenge, so I hope you're ready to step it up!

  • Day 16: Food Prep

    Day 16 is all about food prep and portion control, and I will also show you what I eat in a day so you can better understand what those portions look like

  • Day 17 & 22: Intense Cardio Abs 1

    Get that mind over matter mentality for this one because you are going to need it, this is an intense cardio ab workout that will definitely have you feeling the burn

  • Day 18 & 26: Stretch 2

    It's time to stretch again in this episode, but be sure to gauge your flexibility in this video and then again next week so you can see how flexible you're becoming

  • Day 19: Full Body Strength 2

    When building strength it's really important that you work on your form so make sure you take the time to do do these exercises properly to get the maximum effect

  • Day 20: Active Rest Challenge

    Day 20, 10 day left of the challenge and in this episode I'll give you some extra information so you can really get the most out of this program

  • Day 24: Full Body Strength 3

    So why incorporate full body workouts into an ab program? Well to see those abs you have to burn fat and the best way to do that is to build some muscle, so this episode targets every part of the body to really build muscle and shred some fat

  • Day 25 & 30: Ab Workout 5

    The final ab workout of the series, if you feel like this isn't challenging enough for you then add another set

  • Day 27: Pep Talk

    Day 27, almost done with the challenge, but where do you go from here? What's next?

  • Day 29: Intense Cardio Abs 2

    Hope you're ready to give it everything you've got in this second intense cardio ab workout, the program is almost over so push through and finish strong