Michelle Norris is the founder and CEO of Paleo f(x)™, the largest Paleo conference in the world. Her personal health issues and struggles with traditional medical orthodoxy inspired her to upend the way the world tackles health, wellness and prosperity. In this episode, she will sit down to detail how the Paleo diet changed her life, and how it can change yours too.
Up Next in Season 1
Integrative and Holistic Medicine Exp...
M.D. Ashley Maltz explains integrative, holistic, allopathic, preventative, and other medical modalities. She also discusses how her personal journey led her to a career with boundaries outside of "mainstream" medicine.
What is Homeopathy and How Does it Work?
It is natural to have questions when seeking a new path for your health, and with so many misconceptions about homeopathy out there, it can be hard to tell what's right for you. In today's episode Noel Peterson, C.C.H., sits down to discuss the basic concepts of homeopathy and how he uses it to d...
Can't Sleep? Tips for Insomnia, Chron...
If you have problems with fatigue or insomnia, you are not alone. In this episode, Tenesha Wards, D.C., is back to discuss these commonly reported problems and offer her favorite sleep solutions.