Gentle Yin Yoga For Pain Relief

Gentle Yin Yoga For Pain Relief

Join Allison G in this series that is super low energy and offers ultimate relaxation. Yin yoga is designed to help you sit longer, and more comfortably, in meditation by stretching connective tissue around the joints (mainly the knees, pelvis, sacrum, and spine)

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Gentle Yin Yoga For Pain Relief
  • Gentle Morning or Bedtime Yoga for Relaxation

    Join Allison in this video where she takes you through a gentle flow ideal for first thing on a morning or last thing before bed. Many of us tend to live very busy lives, and this flow is perfect for hitting the reset button and winding down

  • Yin Yoga for Low Back & Hip Pain

    Low back and hip pain is very common, especially if you sit at a desk all day, and this gentle flow is specifically designed to target those issues and stretch out those muscles and joints

  • Yin Yoga for Shoulder Pain

    In this class you'll be doing a lot of shoulder and hip openers to really stretch those myofascial lines in the cross body that will aid in pain relief