Amazing Arms Upper Body Workouts | The Banks Method

Amazing Arms Upper Body Workouts | The Banks Method

4 Episodes

The ultimate four-part arm and upper body toning and strengthening series from fitness instructor Banks Cooney. Work your way through all four levels of fun pilates, barre, and ballet inspired exercises to trim and sculpt the arms. Start with beginner, and once you feel comfortable and confident, level-up! These workouts are great for women and men of all ages.

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Amazing Arms Upper Body Workouts | The Banks Method
  • Beginner

    Episode 1

    If you're a beginner, start here!

  • Intermediate

    Episode 2

    When you feel like you've nailed the proper form, try the intermediate class.

  • Advanced

    Episode 3

    Ready to ramp it up? Try the advanced sequence for even more upper body burn.

  • Master

    Episode 4

    When all the other levels feel easy, it's time to test your limits with the master class!